Tuesday, December 8, 2009

day six...


many things to be grateful for today....

~ i am grateful that my husband has a good job and is able to support us in relative comfort while i continue to look for a job

~ i am grateful that our realtor is an absolute dragon when it comes to protecting our interests, and has made sure that the things that needed to be done have been done

~ i am grateful the purchase of our home has finally gone through, even though we can't move into the place until late next week.... we will be in our new home in time for Christmas, even if we won't be totally unpacked.


  1. i'm so excited for you!! christmas in the new place is so exciting

  2. i'm excited too!!!
    can't wait to move in... well, can't wait to be moved in and unpacked.
    although, figuring out where to put things can be fun.
