Sunday, January 3, 2010

day nineteen...


it was a blustery cold morning to go out for a run with my Team In Training buddies.
rather hard to drag myself out of bed at 6am, in fact...

but there was a beautiful sunrise as i was driving in to DC. and we ran on trail i had never been on before, so i've found a new place to run (even though it's rather far away)... and after 5 miles and a handful of M&M's, getting back into the car to drive home felt wonderful.

hot shower felt even better...

and then, i was enormously grateful that i had arrived home in time to have a hot shower before the power went out for a few hours.

so i cozied up in a sunny spot, wrapped myself up in my down duvet, and read for a few hours until the power came back on.

rather a lovely day, actually :)

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