Monday, January 5, 2009

home... sigh, bliss.

~ the scent of incense drifting down the hall while my husband meditates (my favourites are the particularly resinous kind that smell like a pine forest on a hot summer's day)

~ crisp clean sheets on our ever-so-comfortable bed

~ photos of my nephews smiling at me from the top of the piano

~ the houseplants my husband neglected while i was away

~ my books!

~ our beautiful red dresser full of clothes (i had only planned to be gone for two days, and by day nine i was pretty sick of my two t-shirts, one sweater, one pair of cargo pants and one pair of running tights)

~ good peanut butter

~ my knitting, which i really should have taken with me and missed much more than i would have imagined

i'm happy to be home.


  1. You and your "good" peanut butter. You got Phil hooked on it and now we are forever a Two Peanut Butter Jar family. It makes me gag. :)

    I'm glad you're feeling good at home. You're a knitter, Megs!!! How cool is that? Make me a sock monkey!! ;)

    talk to you later,

  2. i have found a website that tells me how to make a sock monkey. you will receive my first efforts, no matter how lumpy and misshapen. and you will love it forever.

    F's parents eat Skippy...
